Thursday, September 23, 2010

I want a new career!!

I want a New Career...

I hear this every day. As a recruiter, its one of the reasons i do what i do. I work to help people find new roles, but im also working for employers to fill empty roles or newly created ones. Yes my clients pay for this service and they are my priority, however i cannot fulfill this role without the candidates/applicants required to complete this match.

The need for some applicants to make a move - and get it right this time around is very much on the rise, in fact its keeping me very busy - career coaching. Career coaching is a service over and above that of straight recruitment and as such is a fee-based service. Its a modest fee and a small investment for those that really want to make a difference in their work lives, which is their lives, as work takes up so much of our time and is a measure of who we are.

Looking for a new career takes real work - creative work. Its a numbers game and requires different strategies on a daily basis, its hard work! Its not that job seekers are not willing to do their due diligence, its that most people just dont really know how to go about this. Few do, some think they do, but most dont really know whats really involved. What kills me is there is no real curriculum in the schools preparing new high school grads for this. College/University grads are further along on this continuum, but not by much. Even mid-career professionals require guidance.

I am good at what i do and i know how to help people achieve this goal. So, if you feel so inclined, call me. :)


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